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Endowing petrol stations with intellect!

We offer you a complex solution on automating already existing departmental petrol stations and refueling vehicles.

Scheme of automating
the petrol stations

The automation of a petrol station is carried out
using a controller and automatic fuel-dispensing unit:

It works without operator. The drivers themselves can refuel their vehicles using smart cards or chip keys under the limits established by you for concrete drivers or vehicles.
According to your desire, the report of the amount of the dispensed fuel will be transmitted to any distance into the 1C:Accounting software.
The refueling data cannot be lost, it is either sent directly to the computer, or is stored in the memory of the Automatic Petrol Station controller — this means 100% accounting and control of every liter of fuel 24 hours a day.
You will know exactly who filled the fuel, at what time, what amount, and into what vehicle. All stations can be linked into a single network of accounting and control.
You don’t depend upon the station operator’s work, and you save money on his wages.
You will always know what amount of the fuel is supplied to you, its quality, and how much water contains in the fuel.
Quick recoupment of the re-equipment.

Our controllers allow the fuel-dispensing units to be automated and the fuel dispensing — unmanned. As a result of our work, you will get the modern automatic departmental petrol station meeting the modern requirements on automation and safe work. Using the Benza automatic unmanned petrol station, you can control the following:

  • Amount of the supplied fuel;
  • Presence of bottom settlement water;
  • Measuring the fuel’s temperature and density;
  • Dispensing of fuel to the customer in automatic unmanned mode.

The report of fuel dispensing is displayed in the 1C:Accounting program, all the necessary data being sent over great distances. In collaborating with us, you acquire a reliable partner which performs the full range of services:

  • We are the full-cycle manufacturers;
  • We are developing the software which can be adjusted individually for a particular buyer;
  • We have an assembling team which is ready to perform all the works on their own.
Any other questions? Fill out the feedback form and our managers
will contact You
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