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MINI PETROL STATIONS: easy and inexpensive
solution for an owner of motor transport

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Every chief of an organization having his own motor fleet sooner or later gets an idea about an installation of his own petrol station in order to economize on the fuel. This thought is especially relevant for the owners of big number of vehicles. But this idea often associates in his head with the pictures of big stations which we are passing by every day on the streets of our towns, having their infrastructure, territories, buildings, and corresponding expenses. Many of them are completely unaware that there exist substantially more simple and inexpensive solutions — mini petrol stations. These stations are best for the storage, accounting, and dispensing of any kind of fuel. The installation of an own mini petrol station will allow a company to save substantial resources, completely declining the services of commercial petrol stations.

The fuel-dispensing unit of the mini petrol station can dispense from 40 to 120 liters of fuel per minute and is designed for the power supply of 12, 24, or 220 V. Besides the Benza fuel-dispensing units, the ones of other manufacturers can be installed too. Also, an automated system of the fuel dispensing by chip keys and cards can be installed on the Benza mini petrol station.

The mini petrol stations are produced with the capacity of from 1 to 30 tons of fuel. Such station represents a single-walled or double-walled tank made of plastic or metal (where its capacity is 1 ton), or exclusively of metal (more than 3 tons) with the thickness of the wall of 4–5 mm. The mini petrol station, in addition to its fully packaged tank, comes with expansion tank, Benza fuel-dispensing unit, breathing and suction valves, alarm device with the power unit, and lightning conductor. Optionally, an installation of a pumping unit is possible.

If the mini petrol station is installed with commercial purposes, a more precise system of fuel accounting can be mounted on it, and its tank can be divided into several sections with mounting several fuel-dispensing units on each of them, which will make it possible to store and dispense several kinds of fuel on a single station.

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