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TRK kamka 5111

The Benza BS-01 or Benza BS-02 controller is designed to automate fuel metering. The controller is guaranteed for 1 year. To work with the Benza-BS controller, you will additionally need a card reader and an RS-485-USB interface converter.
A fuel pump with a Benza BS-01 or Benza BS-02 controller has the following characteristics:
  • 01Fuel delivery by chip keys, smart cards or PIN code (from 1 to 1000 users);
  • 02Sending reports on the amount of fuel issued to the 1C program: Accounting;
  • 03Information about the amount of fuel issued can be obtained from a distance from the fuel pump;
  • 04The ability to program the limit of the issued fuel for a day and a month;
  • 05Storing 40 to 100,000 events in the controller memory;
  • 06LED indicator of the amount of fuel issued for 5 digits;
  • 07Operating temperature -40 to +50 °C;
  • 08The ability to connect and maintain the operation of four level meters simultaneously (only for the Benza BS-02 controller);
  • 09Fuel release dose task, PIN code input;
  • 10Liquid crystal information indicator;
  • 11The ability to connect an external printer (only in a fuel pump with a Benza BS-02 controller).
Parameters and dimensions
Type Voltage, V Power, W Working cycle, min Capacity up to, l / min Size, mm Weight, kg
kamka 5111-11 380 1500 P 50 550/400/1445 96
kamka 5111-12 380 1500 P 80 550/400/1445 96
kamka 5111-21 380 1500 P 50 550/400/1445 96
kamka 5111-22 380 1500 P 80 550/400/1445 96

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