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Mobile petrol station: an economy
on refueling of your lorry fleet

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Every car owner sooner or later begins to think about savings on the fuel. For the companies with their own vehicle fleets this issue plays a significant role. The auto enterprises engaged in road transport or offering car services need their own refueling base. The mobile petrol stations will help them best in performing the tasks of storing, dispensing and accounting of the fuel.

The mobile petrol stations are made in the form of horizontal tanks and delivered to the customers ready to operate. Their service life reaches 20 years. The payback of the mobile petrol stations exceeds all expectations. When a fleet of 20 vehicles is continuously operated, the mobile petrol station begins to bring a net profit within half a year due to the difference between the trade prices and the retail prices of fuel. Besides, a great advantage of such a station is, of course, its mobility. Owing to its size and weight, the mobile petrol station can be transported at the site where the motor transport is operated (if the transport is operated in an open pit mine, for instance, the fuel can be delivered directly into the mine), which will greatly accelerate the production process and obviously reduce the outage losses.

The tank of the mobile petrol station is manufactured from steel with the wall 4 to 5 mm thick, the tank’s volume is from 1 to 60 cubic meters. It is equipped with a combined filler hole (whose functions are fuel discharge and giving access to service the tank) and the systems of the tank breathing, protection from unauthorized fuel discharge, and insulation space control. Upon the customer’s request, the tank can be produced with several compartments for storing and dispensing different kinds of fuel.

The fuel-dispensing equipment of the mobile petrol station is designed for the productivity of from 40 to 120 liters per minute and power supply 12, 24, and 220 V (Benza, Livenka, Topaz, Tatsuno, Shelf, Tokheim, Gilbarco, Adast, and others under the customer’s wish). The mobile petrol station can be also completed with an automated system of the fuel dispensing on the chip keys and cards. The mobile petrol stations for commercial purposes have a more accurate system of fuel accounting in contrast to the economy-type stations for intracompany use, for which the price is more important than the accounting accuracy of up to 10 ml.

In the catalog of our production you can choose a model of the mobile petrol station, to see the prices, and make your order.

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